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Book Promotion
As our name implies (PRForBooks) we are a book promotion and eBook promotion specialist.
We have been in the book promotion business since 2005 and over this time have honed a number of tried and tested mechanisms that really work. If you've written a book then don't just sit back and wait for the world to come to you, the market doesn't work like that! You have to actively promote your book through Press, Radio, TV and online media, THAT is what will work for you and THAT is exactly what we can provide.
Are People Aware Of Your Book?
Having put a huge effort into writing a book it is easy to get demoralised when sales may not take off on publication; the logic is simple, if people are not aware of your book then they can't possibly buy it! You may have a website or perhaps are selling through Amazon, or some other outlet but just look at the competition. If you want to be successful then you've got to stand out and get noticed and this is all part of the normal sales process. Most authors do not understand why their books may not be selling, this is where we can help. There is a huge market out there but you must reach those people who are either searching for a book like yours, or perhaps may buy on impulse if they like the title and synopsis. Through the PR package we offer across all platforms of media, we will get your book noticed and this is a major step to successful selling.
For 3 Months We Will Promote Your Book
Right now, for just £195 fully inclusive PR For Books provide an 'all-inclusive UK Book PR Package' which is a project that runs for 3 months. We tailor our work to suit your book so we do not pump out low quality generic press releases, we give your book the best chance of standing out through experienced and intelligent book promotion. Contact us now and we'll be delighted to get you on the track to successful selling